Friday, July 28, 2023

Grid Security ? How Are We Doing?

Back in 2016, I posted this take on the condition of our electrical grid security. Not really my strong area of expertise, but I thought I'd take a stab at it. So several years later, how are we doing? Well....
This article that I found online seems to show little progress,a new threat was identified with the remote control of substations by countries who may not like us, though I think I noted risks involved in having our substations manufactured in other countries. So the problem was identified, executive order given to address the issue, then recinded by the current administration.
Also little progress on protection from solar storms, emp s, and low tech threats, though a surisingly "affordable" idea was mentioned for solar storm protection. Yet, no action...
So who are the groups oppsing progress here, Companies who profit from business as usual? maybe environmental groups who recieve funding from those companies ? Think tanks (who are funders?) ? I'll leave it to readers to draw your own conclusions, But I'd advise people to make plans to their homes and businesses to be able to generate their own electricity for extended periods. Yet another reason why I remain a fan of distributed electrical generation. Also please check my featured post on property tax shennanigans . The following photo is explained there.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Nuclear and Renewables

Nuclear proponents have been really touting that tech online lately. It would be nice to be able to stop events like this from happening.If a distributed - farm scale powerplant ever became available, it would be nice if it wouldn't turn the farm into a superfund site. :)