Renewable advocates and climate hawks over the last few
years have claimed that wind and solar play a crucial role in national security.
The above photo shows a t shirt of mine purchased
at an Iowa renewables conference a few years back. Lately, it seems that
advocates have steered away from this message to instead directly discuss co2
reductions. This may be because the
United States has built renewables to date mainly, using the same large scale
centralized power station model favored by the fossil fuel and nuclear industry.The country
also currently has ample supplies of fracked national gas, coal, nuclear power,
etc., so the national security advocating seems to have faded with greens and
climate hawks, if they ever truly believed the security benefits position in
the first place. It may have been a tactic to attract support from non traditional interest groups. But, the security message is also invoked by non renewable interests, so... These days, there seems to
be a renewed (pun intended) push for
regional transmission and e
ven global grid networks to encourage renewable energy. I’m still amazed when the “large scale renewables is the only way”
advocates start to hyperventilate when trying to understand why rural residents
push back against absentee owned transmission lines and large scale renewable
projects, , the ventilating continues when voters fail to prioritize clean energy
at election time. Most voters support clean energy, but I've yet to see a poll where energy, clean or dirty, ranks high in the voting booth. But, I digress.
It’s pretty hard to square the security narrative with
large scale renewable power plants IMHO. We have plenty of resources, clean or otherwise. When security comes into the dialog, we must take another look at how we build power plants and design the grid, and whether our resources will provide electricity to our homes and businesses when things go wrong.
The hard truth is little to none of these resources will be available if we have a grid outage. In that case, it will be difficult to transfer coal and natural gas to power plants,and nuclear has demonstrated problems with shutdowns and restarts (search the net for Fukushima). So, renewable energy produced on site becomes very important, along with a distributed localized grid. None of the large
scale wind or solar farms-will be of any use to us if the grid has a major failure, due to weather, cyber-attack
or low tech malice,
fire, by physical damage or shorting out the grid when smoke accumulation causes power lines to arc to the ground, ice storms, or even
critters. If we have any kind of sizable grid outage, we’ll have national
security issues. So let’s look at some of the things that can go wrong.
raccoon recently caused a power outage for about 40,000
Seattle folks. This internet search also provided a link to a rather tongue and
cheek looking website bragging about all the grid attacks undertaken by
squirrels, (Hmm, quite a few in Iowa) greatly out numbering cyber-attacks.
Anyone following the news though, can’t help but notice the
amount of cyber hacking lately.
are happening to our countries infrastructure, and most likely will continue for
the foreseeable future.
A recent attack
against the grid in Ukraine should be a wake up call for all of us. Check out this
fascinating article -
“the control systems in Ukraine
were surprisingly more secure than some in the US, since they were
well-segmented from the control center business networks with robust firewalls.
But in the end they still weren’t secure enough—workers logging remotely into
the SCADA network, the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition network that
controlled the grid, weren’t required to use two-factor authentication, which
allowed the attackers to hijack their credentials and gain crucial access to
systems that controlled the breakers”
Yes folks, we’re behind here, but not just in that respect-
power wasn’t out long in Ukraine: just one to six hours for all the areas hit.
But more than two months after the
attack, the control centers are still not fully
operational, according to a recent US
report. Ukrainian and US computer security experts involved in the
investigation say the attackers overwrote firmware on critical devices at 16 of
the substations, leaving them unresponsive to any remote commands from
operators. The power is on, but workers
still have to control the breakers manually.
actually a better outcome than what might occur in the US, experts say, since
many power grid control systems here don’t have manual backup functionality, which means that if attackers were to sabotage automated systems here, it could be much
harder for workers to restore power.”
This does seem
to be on some government agencies and policy maker’s radar, but so far, actions
seem to be concentrated on beefing up the current centralized system and
shortening the repair time. However, given the challenges here, I have felt for
quite a while that this can only be a short term strategy. In the following link, the recently retired
head of FERC, Jon Wellinghoff, shares this belief. I’d encourage folks to read
this in detail, Some quotes of interest here-
“I think we are in a very tenuous
security situation, mainly because of the way the grid is configured. It
is currently set up in such a way that requires central station generation,
which is then distributed through nodes of high voltage substations and then
sent out to load centers. This centralized distribution system presents an
array of vulnerabilities from a cyber and physical security standpoint.”
“A node is one of a number of
high-voltage substations, which are contained within the three main
interconnects making up the North American power grid; the Texas, Eastern and
Western interconnects. The nodes are sort of a gathering point inside the
interconnects where more than one power generation source feeds into, which is
then distributed out to load centers. These particular nodes, if they are knocked
out by either a physical or a cyber-attack, could have a major destabilizing
effect on the entire grid system. Repairing these nodes has a long lead time
due to their highly customized designs. So if there are multiple node outages
it could be many weeks or months till the system is back to normal. By then,
the country could be in chaos.”
There was also a
link in this Q and A session to a previous chat with former
Clinton era CIA head James Woolsey that went into great detail about the
potential “chaos”.
“The EMP Commission, which was set up after
9/11, estimated that within 12 months of an EMP event, two-thirds of the US
population would likely perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown.
Other experts estimate the likely loss to be closer to 90 percent.
Q. Really? That bad?
A. Oh, sure. William Forstchen’s
novel, One Second After, gives a chilling portrayal of what life may
look like after an EMP detonation. It describes a population totally unsuited
for living in the dark. Deaths come in waves; first the elderly and then those
who depend on medication. Following that are those who die of simple diseases,
like typhoid or dysentery, as well as those who have no survival or farming
skills, though even subsistence farming would likely be a challenge given the
speed in which society would collapse versus the time it takes to actually
prepare fields and grow substantial amounts of food. Eventually, the few
survivors in the small town who have overcome these deprivations and learned to
produce food face continual security issues, having to fight off marauding
bands and, interestingly, bullets become a base currency in their economy. It’s
pretty bad stuff.”
Sounds more like a crap storm than “chaos”, but let’s go back to Wellinghoff
- The solution is to go small and distributed, not big and centralized.
“Well, there is only so much you can
do. We could physically protect these nodes by beefing up security around them,
but they’ll never be totally safe from a physical or cyber attack. It is sort
of like building a firewall to keep out hackers. Eventually, the hackers will
figure out how to get through, forcing you to build a higher firewall. It never
ends. What we need to do is to move forward from this kind of thinking.”
“We need change the way the grid
works, not just build higher and higher walls around these nodes. This can be
done by shifting from a centralized to a distributed grid architecture in which
power generation is dispersed along the grid.”
Despite the fact that Wellinghoff was
extremely noisy about this during his time at FERC, precious little happened during the current administration, due
to push back from incumbent utilities (you
know, the companies making the money off of our century old grid design) and
the makeup of the current regulatory system. I wasn’t surprised when Mr.
Wellinghoff mentioned in the article that he was looking into adding a battery backup
system to the solar array installed on his house. Hey, if a head of FERC is
this concerned, maybe the rest of us should be also. We should be going smaller
and more local with grid design, not bigger and more centralized. That means
less big transmission lines and more microgrids. We certainly shouldn’t be trying to do
both at the same time.
So this country needs a robust distributed
generation policy, which almost none of our elected or regulatory folks are
talking about. One of the few places giving serious discussion to changing grid
design is New York State, after Hurricane Sandy pointed out the flaws of their centralized
grid design. It’s time that Iowa and the Midwest did the same. Wellinghoff said it well -
"How quickly we get to a distributed grid depends on how quickly we recognize the value of moving there."
I’ll throw the transmission line advocates a
bone and agree that some new power lines are probably needed in the U.S. But, a national
distributed generation policy would make it much more clear where those builds
should take place.
I’d also be remiss here if I didn’t mention other
side benefits to going local and distributed with grid design-
Democratization of energy production, the
folks at ISLR are great at covering this.
More public support for the climate hawks
desire for co2 reductions. Who knows, people might even think more about it
when voting. November is coming, advocates!
Energy dollars stay in local economies, instead
of billionaire’s pockets.
Local renewable owners might engage more on
other environmental issues.
Thanks for stopping by.
problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Edit, Sure enough, something happened today Aug 8, that is relevent to this topic. I'll just put this right here.
Edit 2 There's a lot of info on the web about this issue. Including a recent article in my REC magazine reassuring members they are on top of this, and speculating the Ukraine outage happening in the states is unlikely , since it was "low tech".
Plenty of other folks are worried about low and high tech attacks on the grid, however. Here's a couple more articles.